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Canadian Immigration: Your Edge in the Global Talent Race

A Guide to Exploring Immigration for International Business Expansion

How far will your talent strategy go?

In today’s competitive global market, the hunt for top talent is fiercer than ever. Businesses are constantly striving to be the best, fastest and most innovative in the market. The key to this edge?


People with expertise in fields like science, technology and engineering – and who are ready to make a big impact.

But there’s a big challenge: a worldwide talent shortage. And when a company’s success hinges on its ability to retain top talent, the challenge becomes a lot more urgent.

This is where a new, powerful talent strategy has emerged: leveraging immigration as a way to attract and retain your best people. This approach involves expanding into a country with business-friendly immigration programs, allowing companies to recruit the world’s top talent in just a few weeks.

In this guide, we’ll explore why Canada has become a top destination for businesses and talent alike. We’ll outline the immigration programs available for international companies, and we’ll leave you with best practices for a smooth and hassle-free immigration process.

When it comes to Canadian immigration, you’re not alone. We’re here to help. Having helped navigate many expansion journeys including those of Meta IT and Odyssey Interactive, we know the ins and outs and can make the process much simpler than you might think.

Ready to see why Canada is the best place to expand your business and keep global talent?

Let’s dive in.

" Immigration presents a significant opportunity to recruit some of the world's best talent. "

Tony LaMantia

President & CEO of Waterloo EDC

Canada is a top destination for immigration. The proof is in the numbers.

Businesses see Canada’s potential, too.

Some of the world’s best talent is coming to Canada. Why wouldn’t businesses want to be here, too? Besides having one of the most efficient business immigration systems in the world, Canada offers these business advantages:

  • Strategic location: Canada is strategically located near the US and has trade agreements with more than 40 countries, making it an ideal location for businesses looking to expand into new markets.
  • Diversification: Expanding to Canada can protect against economic uncertainty and can help businesses diversify their operations, reducing risk and increasing stability.
  • Access to government funding and incentives: The Canadian government offers various funding and incentives programs to support business expansion and investment.
  • Improved quality of life: Canada is known for its high standard of living, with a strong social safety net and a high quality of life for employees.

Plus, Canada works in the same time zones as the US, has a similar working culture and has daily flights departing from Canadian international airports to anywhere in the US.

Canada: The cure for H-1B headaches

As the H-1B visa program in the US has become increasingly complex and unpredictable, many companies are looking beyond their borders for a more effective way to attract and retain top global talent. By expanding to Canada, US companies can avoid the headaches of the H-1B program, while tapping into the global talent market and taking advantage of the many other location benefits.

The H-1B visa program in the US, intended to allow employers to temporarily hire global talent in specialty roles, has caused headaches for many tech companies due to its complexity and unpredictability. A strict cap on the number of visas available each year, combined with a random selection process, has resulted in decreasing acceptance rates, which poses challenges for both employers and global talent.

These challenges prompted Canada to launch its first Tech Talent Strategy in 2023 to attract skilled tech professionals from the US. The strategy included a new work permit stream that would allow H-1B visa holders in the US to apply to work in Canada with an open work permit valid for up to three years.

Spouses and dependents of approved applicants could apply for a temporary visa, too. Due to overwhelming demand, the program reached its 10,000-applicant cap within 48 hours of opening, showing Canada’s increasing appeal to skilled workers.

Canada’s Global Talent Stream is also a viable alternative for US companies struggling with H-1B challenges. It offers a pathway to attract and retain employees in Canada without the uncertainty of a lottery system.

" Waterloo EDC helped make immigration as easy as all the government brochures say it is. "

Richard Henkel

CEO, Odyssey Interactive

Selecting the right program for your business needs

Businesses are flocking to Canada to take advantage of its many benefits. Luckily, Canada’s business immigration programs have been designed to make the process of moving here an easy one.

Whether you’re looking to hire new staff or relocate existing employees, Canada has a program to suit your needs. Here are just a few:

  • Global Talent Stream (GTS): Canada’s premier business immigration program, the GTS provides a fast-tracked pathway for highly skilled professionals and senior leaders to work in Canada. In certain cases, an official referral from a partner organization like Waterloo EDC is required to proceed with your application.
  • Intra-Company Transfer (ICT): The ICT program facilitates the transfer of international employees to Canadian offices for businesses with operations in Canada. To be eligible, transferees must be either executives, senior managers, or possess specialized knowledge. In some instances, transferees may be exempt from Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) requirements, potentially accelerating the transfer process.
  • Start-up Visa Program (SUV): Tailored for entrepreneurs aiming to launch their businesses in Canada, the SUV provides a route to permanent residency for qualifying immigrant entrepreneurs. Participants gain access to a network of private-sector investors, including angel investors, venture capital funds and business incubators, to help establish their start-ups in Canada.

Regardless of the path you choose, Waterloo EDC is here to help. We provide guidance on selecting the best program for your needs, we offer official referrals and we can connect you with leading immigration experts to navigate eligibility requirements, paperwork and more.

Download our immigration decision tree to help guide your journey.

5 actionable strategies for a smooth immigration process

Navigating business immigration can be complex, but with proactive strategies and expert guidance, the process can be both smooth and successful. If immigration is part of your expansion strategy, here are five steps you can take to stay ahead.

1. Develop a clear business expansion plan

Outline your long-term goals in a detailed business plan. This should include your investment strategy, resources needed, the number of people you plan to relocate and your strategy for hiring locally in Canada. Use this plan as a roadmap for your expansion efforts.

2. Know the latest policies and programs

Regularly review and understand the latest Canadian immigration policies and programs. Compare these with the challenges faced in your current location, such as the US, and strategize how relocating to Canada could provide solutions. Adjust your immigration strategy accordingly.

3. Balance relocation with local hiring

While relocating key team members is crucial, also plan to hire locally to benefit from Canada’s diverse talent pool. This balance will aid in both internal company growth and community integration. Develop a hiring plan that complements your team’s existing strengths with local expertise.

4. Tap into local resources and expertise

Engage with local agencies like Waterloo EDC for insights into the Canadian business market. Leverage their free, confidential services to navigate the market, regulatory environment and cultural nuances. Establishing partnerships or advisory relationships like this can ease your transition.

5. Collaborate with immigration experts

Establish a strong, ongoing dialogue with immigration and legal experts. Regular updates and consultations will help in anticipating challenges and crafting a well-rounded immigration strategy. Treat this as a collaborative effort, where your team and experts work in tandem.

Quick tips to avoid delays

“It’s really important to step back, take a look and really understand what your long-term objectives are in Canada. Have a clear business plan as to what you are willing to do at this stage and what the future holds. It doesn’t have to be perfect either.”

- Pavan Dhillon, Immigration Law Expert & Principal Attorney & Founder of Dhillon Immigration Law

  1. Plan ahead: Start the immigration process well in advance of your intended move date. Delays are common, and having extra time will help you manage any unforeseen challenges.
  2. Double-check your documents: Ensure all required paperwork is accurate and complete. Missing or incorrect documents can lead to unnecessary delays and complications.
  3. Stay informed: Keeping up to date with immigration news and regulation changes even after settling in Canada is important. This proactive approach ensures ongoing compliance and preparedness for future immigration needs.

Immigration isn’t a solo mission

Expanding your business into a new country is a big step, one that you don’t need to take alone. Partnering with experts and agencies who specialize in Canadian immigration can make a world of difference, ensuring a smooth and streamlined process from start to finish.

Immigration lawyers provide essential guidance to navigate the complexities of Canadian immigration laws and policies. They offer confidential, personalized support, ensuring a thorough understanding of each step in the immigration process.

Economic development agencies like Waterloo EDC help streamline company expansions into Canada. They assist with accessing programs like the Global Talent Stream for fast employee relocation and provide a host of other services to help companies expand with ease.

" Everybody who comes in on an H-1B visa has a level of language skills that would allow them to succeed in life in Canada. "

Sean Fraser

Canada’s Former Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

Ready to make your move?

Canada’s explosive growth and ability to attract top talent make it an ideal choice for companies looking to innovate and scale. As we’ve shown in this guide, companies can gain a competitive edge by exploring what Canada has to offer. Just ask Meta IT or Odyssey Interactive about their experience.

For companies eyeing international expansion, immigration can be a key strategy for attracting and retaining top talent. The good news is that the process doesn’t have to be complicated. With help from immigration experts and local economic development agencies, you can navigate each step with helpful guides by your side.

We're here to help.

Let's discuss your expansion goals.

About Waterloo EDC

Waterloo EDC is a free, one-stop concierge service for companies that are exploring business expansion in Waterloo, Canada.

Our client-first approach focuses on your company’s specific needs, and we have a team of experienced economic development experts who will guide you through every stage of the expansion process.

We can help you navigate the Canadian business immigration process, and also help you:

  • Connect with legal, financial and recruitment experts
  • Collect custom expansion data including cost comparisons
  • Take advantage of government support and incentives
  • Explore real estate options and locations
  • Access top talent and local leaders
  • Integrate into the local business community

We’ve helped international businesses invest almost $2B in our community since 2016. Our clients include Toyota, MasterClass, EPAM Systems, Beckhoff Automation, BOSCH, SAP, Siemens and many more.

We’re excited to hear about your expansion goals.


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